
Homeward Bound

Long Run # 4. I am happy to report that the troubles I had with tried legs last week are gone. Step back week worked and I felt good for the 9 miles. It wasn't easy - but good. I was cruising along at a speedy clip for miles 4 through 6. I am sure the dropping blood sugar (see below) contributed to the good feelings.

But by mile 7 my quads were starting to feel the effort. I was plugging along - not much paying attention to what was going on around me. As I approached the Longfellow - Homeward Bound started to play. I looked up at one of the best views in Boston and realized that I didn't have far to go and was actually making the turn home.

Another high point of the run - I saw Lucky again and he had a buddy.

Run 9.1 miles
1 hr pre run - 2 hr 40% Basel
Pre BS 216 (Thank you 2:30 AM low where I over treated with the thought that I was going long in the morning.) 1/2 Carb Boom & 1/2 cup of coffee
1 ml 267 .9 units
3 ml 299 .5 units
5 ml 191 6oz Gatorade
Post BS 97



Went out early before the coffee was made. Think I ran a little faster knowing that it was home waiting for me.

Run 4 miles
Pre BS 138
Post BS 101



Hit the off button on the alarm clock this morning and went back to sleep. I am not a fan of running at night but today it wasn't so bad. Luckily the humidity has broken and the sun was going down. Made for a nice cool run.

Run 2.7 miles
Pre BS 134 (Carb Boom & 40% Basel)
Post BS 82



Week 3 is a "step back week,"aka "long" run of 5 miles. But it was rediciously hot and humid. Did a quick loop from my parents house to my golf course. The sun was out with 90plus humidity. And the mile to the course and the mile home is not shaded.

Luckily in the last mile I get to run over this bridge where there was a nice wind off the water to cool me down. I stood there for a few minutes before finishing. Was the only thing that got me to the finish.

Run 4.5 miles
Pre BS 224
Post BS 184
10 oz Gatorade


Late run

I had set the alarm to go off at 5:30 AM so I could get a run in before my 8am golf game. But I hit the off button and decided golf was more important than running and an extra half hour of sleep would be better for me.

So by 4pm I still needed to run. Luckily the wind had picked up and some summer thunderstorms started to roll into town so the oppressive humidity was easier to deal with.

Towards the end of the run I passed by another course in town and realized that, as much as I hate afternoon runs, I was really happy I spent the morning on golf and the afternoon on running.

Run 3 miles
Pre BS 223 (post ice cream)
Post BS 184



Couldn't bear getting out of bed early this morning - so I put the run off till after work. There were reports of summer thunderstorms in the area. I was hoping for a nice cooling rain.

No luck.

Saw the clouds moving in across the Charles but only got a few rain drops. The oppressive humidity and the horrid blood sugars made for a very tough run.

Run 3.5 miles
Pre BS 272
Post BS 48


Bad Run

Today was my first bad run since starting the training program. I don't know why - my my legs felt like lead. Maybe I was tried, or maybe it was waking up under 80.

All I hope is that I feel better for tomorrow's run.

Run 2.7 miles
Pre BS 91
Post BS 142


Although you can't tell in this picture it was so humid out this morning that you could not see the difference between the water and the horizon.

This weather is starting to get old.

Run 3.1 miles
Pre BS 141
Post BS 122


Lucky Bunny

I was settling into a nice pace at about 4 miles today - which was much better than the struggle I had on last week's long run - when I looked over and saw this little guy.

I can't imagine how he ended up in between Memorial Drive and the Charles River. But I figure - if a rabbit's foot is considered lucky - a whole bunny is even better.

7.28 mile run
Waking BS 78 (45% temp basel, 1 cup gatorade, 1/2 bowl cheerios)
Pre BS 151
1ml 221
3ml 176 4oz gatorade
Post BS 108 8oz gatorade



It was supposed to rain 2 - 3 inches last night but we only got a drizzle. Still waiting for this humidity to break. 90% this morning. Once again - ugh.

4 mile run
Pre BS 87
(10% Basel 1/2 hour, 4 oz OJ, CarbBoom)
Post BS 130


Duck House

This is not the Duck House, but around the corner. After having several conversations last week about a future use of the Duck House - it made me think - what could we use this building for.

3.3 mile run
Pre BS 138
Post BS 122
(happy happy joy joy)



But not close enough. You could see the rain just hovering off the coast. We need a nice big summer storm to break the humidity. 90%. Ugh.

3 mile run
Pre BS 177
Post BS 152


Long Run 1

It was a hot, humid, gross, slow slog. But it's done and I made it around the Longfellow. Even started to feel better between miles 4 and 5.

6.2 mile run
Pre BS 155
2 miles 176
4 miles 186
Post BS 205

1hr pre run 50% basel
25% basel during run


7:10 AM

7:10 AM. 79 degrees and 80 percent humidity. Ugh.

3 mile run
Pre BS 241
Post BS 134 : )


Run to the Veggies

Forgot to take a picture while running today. Made up a
new route - run to the veggies (aka CSA pick up). The rasberries made a perfect post run snack.

4 mile run.